Institutional Conflict of Interest
The Institutional Conflict of Interest (ICOI) policy addresses institutional conflicts of interest in the conduct of human subjects research [7-006].
The Institutional Conflict of Interest policy is designed to identify two types of institutional conflicts, those arising from:
University of Utah's financial interests such as intellectual property rights, ownership in companies, and gifts or donations made to the University.
External financial relationships of senior leaders or authorities at the University who may be in a position to influence the conduct of human subjects research.
The Policy requires that campus leaders disclose their external “significant financial interests” on an annual basis. A “significant financial interest” is defined in the Institutional Conflict of Interest policy.
Potential ICOIs will be managed through the University Conflict of Interest Committee
in collaboration with the Institutional Conflict of Interest Officer. Contact the
Vice President of Research if you have any questions or concerns about the ICOI policy.
Institutional Conflict of Interest Policy (7-006)
Modal Heading
The Institutional Conflict of Interest (ICOI) policy addresses institutional conflicts
of interest in the conduct of human subjects research [7-006].
The policy is designed to identify two types of institutional conflicts, those arising from:
University of Utah's financial interests such as intellectual property rights, ownership in companies, and gifts or donations made to the University.
External financial relationships of senior leaders or authorities at the University who may be in a position to influence the conduct of human subjects research.
The Institutional Conflict of Interest Policy requires that campus leaders disclose their external “significant financial interests” on an annual basis. A “significant financial interest” is defined in the Individual Conflict of Interest policy.
Potential ICOIs will be managed through the University Conflict of Interest Committee in collaboration with the Institutional Conflict of Interest Officer.
Contact the Vice President of Research if you have any questions or concerns about
the ICOI policy.
Institutional Conflict of Interest Policy (7-006)
Institutional Conflict of Interest Officer
Caren J. Frost, PhD, MPH
Questions or Concerns?
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